Q1. Can I really use open source software for commercial product development ?
Q5. Which license requires me to submit the changes done back to the community ?
- Well the real answer is absolutely you can use it without fault.
- The company that uses the software needs to adhere to the license given provided with the open source software.
Q2. Can I really use open source software for distribution under a commercial license ?
Q3. Do I have to pay anything to the company that released the open source software ?- Now that depends on the license of the open software that you would use.
- Non-copyleft licenses or Permissive licenses permit you to re-distribute the software with the new changes.
- They play well with commercial licenses as long as you adhere to the open source license
- If the software is provided with source code under any of the open source compatible
- licenses then there is no payment to the parent company.
- The companies usually maintain 2 versions of their software - Open source and Commercial version.
Q4. Which license permits me to modify the open source code and keep the changes closed ?
Non-Copyleft licenses :
Non-Copyleft licenses :
- Apache 2.0 License
- Berkley Sockets Distribution (BSD) License
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) License
- Other Compatible licenses
Q5. Which license requires me to submit the changes done back to the community ?
- GNU General Public License (GPL)
- GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
- GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
- Mozilla Public License (MPL)
- Other Compatible Licenses
- Licensing HOW-TO by Eric R. Raymond
Unreferenced Articles :
- Businessmans' Guide to Open source Licenses by Kristof Kovacs (new - good read)