
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Self-Driving Car Test : Steve Mahan

A driverless car which talks to me and more than anything, can respond to my voice command is the next generation of car technology. Steve Mahan who is currently impaired with partial vision, can travel with a computer-assisted car without depending on any one else.

Driverless Independence !!

Reference :
PC Mag Coverage of Self-Driving Car Test

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Calendaring on Mac has several options - iCal (Primary), Outlook & Thunderbird being among the strongest contenders.

Currently iCal is the best tool which comes bundled with OSX, just like Mail (for email) and works fabulously with both Microsoft Exchange & Google Calendar services.

Other than Microsoft and Google calendars, it also integrates with Yahoo! & CalDAV (protocol) calendar services.

If you are a corporate user and tend to interact with the Miscrosoft Outlook users, you may face a few challenges in sharing calendars using iCal.

iCal format does not play well especially with the Outlook Web users, since iCal is not recognized by the OWA (Outlook Web App) Browser Client.

References : The Best Calendar App for Mac

Credits : Image Concept of iCal Watch by Mac (Macoto) Funamuzu

Monday, February 18, 2013

Type Safe

A company behind a rapid development framework for Java and Scala.
Tech : Play Framework, Scala, Akka and a bunch of supporting tools.

One of the reasons for taking a close look at it would be a curiosity on what James Ward has been working on lately. Considering he was a technology evangelist for Adobe Flex & Heroku.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Windows on Mac

Windows on Mac using Virtual Box has always been the cheapest & safest Virtualization option.

In cases where you need best productivity its probably better to opt for Boot Camp or a better Virtualizaton tool like Parallels / Fusion to use Windows on a Mac.

For some time Apple introduced Boot Camp which allows you to dual boot Windows (or any Linux/OS) and Mac without loosing productivity.

Currently evaluating Parallel for a trial of 14 days and soon after plan to test out Fusion for a trial of 30 days.

Fusion vs Parallels
There is a price point to consider while using Fusion or Parallels.

In case of using either of the applications, you could perform a dual boot using Boot Camp and point Parallel or Fusion to use the Boot Camp Partition when its needed within Mac OSX.

In case of Parallels expiring, we can install Fusion and convert the Parallel virtual machine into a Fusion equivalent. That way you could evaluate both the virtualization tools.

Once you have evaluated both, consider purchasing the one that works best.

Boot Camp
In case you do decide to install Boot Camp, please ensure you don't delete or format any of the partitions other than the Boot Camp Partition.

Especially the ones which are 100MB (which is the OSX Parition Table) & 200 MB (which is the OSX Recovery Disk) partitions. Both these are necessary to boot back into OSX.

In case you ever have an issue where you have lost your OSX partition and it would boot only into Windows Boot Camp partition, use TestDisk to recover your partition table.

Credits : Image from